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Patient Mailer Brochure
We wish to send you a FREE informational brochure on how your local optical professionals can assist you with basic hearing care. In this brochure, you may learn how our partner clinics have testing and hearing devices to help you hear better conveniently within your community. You'll also learn how our optical partners can assist you with the selection of an audiologist if comprehensive testing is required. Please request this brochure FREE of charge, you pay only for the postage and handling. We look forward to your request.
ROI: Varies with package. Estimated up to 30% of eyeglass revenue.
Audiometer Brand: Varies with Package. Gold Pkg includes Eye+Ear iPad audiometer. *Platinum Pkg may include Shoebox iPad unit depending on audiology partners' available equipment
Annual Calibration/Service Fee Yes
Diagnostic Equipment Brand: Welch Allyn otoscope, Resource mini vac, and standard hearing aid stethoscope.
Annual Calibration/Service Fee No
Hearing Instrument Brand: Varies with Gold and Platinum Packages. OTC's primarily provided at Gold Pkg. Prescriptive name-brand aids provided with Platinum Pkg.
Hearing Aid Volume Discounts Yes! Purchase 10 or more units for a 10% discount.