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E+E signs and apparel are a great way to offer services to the patients and encourage early action. Encourage hearing screenings and hearing aid trials or even encourage services of their existing instruments.
ROI: Varies with package. Estimated up to 30% of eyeglass revenue.
Audiometer Brand: Varies with Package. Gold Pkg includes Eye+Ear iPad audiometer. *Platinum Pkg may include Shoebox iPad unit depending on audiology partners' available equipment
Annual Calibration/Service Fee Yes
Diagnostic Equipment Brand: Welch Allyn otoscope, Resource mini vac, and standard hearing aid stethoscope.
Annual Calibration/Service Fee No
Hearing Instrument Brand: Varies with Gold and Platinum Packages. OTC's primarily provided at Gold Pkg. Prescriptive name-brand aids provided with Platinum Pkg.
Hearing Aid Volume Discounts Yes! Purchase 10 or more units for a 10% discount.